IMPORTANT NOTE: Humanity for the Homeless is now in archive mode. There is no fancy text, layout, images, animations, etc. The purpose of moving the site content here is to help save money, while at the same time preserving the content of what happened during my trip. All images have been very compressed for page speed. Some edits have been made and are marked with an "EDIT: mm/dd/yyyy". I have not re-read everything I wrote during this trip, and do not plan to at the current time. I probably do not agree with everything I wrote, but will keep it for the sake of truthfulness. Enjoy!
Road named after my great-great-grandfather.
March 8, 2016
Statue of Confucius.
February 23, 2016
40.7147, -73.9961
My very own NYC coffee shop.
February 22, 2016
Samuel Adam’s resting place.
February 17, 2016
The sign from The Office.
February 15, 2016
41.4083, -75.6681
The world’s posh-est Walgreen’s.
February 6, 2016
41.91062, -87.67779